Luxury Gifts
Business type: |
Other |
Business type: |
Importer, Local market |
Number of employees: |
Brak danych |
Annual sales value: |
Brak danych |
Established year: |
2006 |
Categories: |
Jewellery, Gifts & Crafts |
Contact: |
Firm Rank: 0
Luxury Gifts is located in the County of York, Virginia, USA. We are a wholesaler of luxury items such as watch winder, humidor watch and jewelry boxes. We also provide aftersales services and have our own design team to provide our cutomers with innovative and intricate design that suits their needs. We specialize in turning our customer's product ideas into their own unique product line using our customization process..
Luxury Gifts takes pride in the service and products we provided to our customer. We are dedicated to satisfying our customers by listening to their requests and understanding their expectations. We strive to provide quality products and on-time delivery to every one of our customer.
Our motto: Our products and services will be the “best in its class” in terms of value received for dollars paid.
Address data
Street: | 200C Commerce Cir |
City: | Yorktown |
Postal code: | 23693 |
Country: | United States |
Phone: | +1 757 2707005 |
Contact person |
Name and Surname: | Toni Yao |
Phone: | +1 757 2707005 |